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Early Years and Primary Treasure Box

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A treasure box of teaching and learning, including classroom resources, early years, primary and professional development. All resources have been designed and tested by an experienced early years and primary teacher. Click on the link below to join my update group or follow my page on Facebook to be the first to see my new resources!




A treasure box of teaching and learning, including classroom resources, early years, primary and professional development. All resources have been designed and tested by an experienced early years and primary teacher. Click on the link below to join my update group or follow my page on Facebook to be the first to see my new resources!
Primary lesson plans RE Religious Education Christmas story birth of Jesus nativity

Primary lesson plans RE Religious Education Christmas story birth of Jesus nativity

Primary lesson plans RE Religious Education Christmas Story This is a set of two lesson plans for Year 1, Religious Education lessons on the Christmas story. The learning objectives are: To know that Christmas is a special day for Christians To know the sequence of events in the Christmas story To understand the significance of gift-giving in the Christmas story To understand that Christians may give many different kinds of gifts at Christmas To deliver these lessons you will also need: A source of the Christmas story (children’s bible or online version) or a video clip Pictures illustrating the key events of the Christmas narrative A template for children to make a ‘gift box’ – cube or cuboid template. These gift boxes can then be made into a seasonal display. Available in Word documents. Please see my other resources at Early Years and Primary Treasure Box and follow me on Facebook. Thank you! #Primary #ReligiousEducation #Christmas #Christianity #KS1
Mathematics resources classroom tray labels

Mathematics resources classroom tray labels

Mathematics resources classroom tray labels This resource contains labels to use for mathematics resources in your classroom. This file contains labels formatted in Calibri font - just choose the words you need, print, trim and go! Suitable for: • Nursery and early years settings • Reception Classes • KS1 classes • Pre-school • Kindergarten Each label measures approx. 13 cm x 4 cm, depending on how they are trimmed. Available in a ready-to-print PDF. If you like this resource please see my resource 150 classroom labels. Please see my other resources at Early Years and Primary Treasure Box and follow me on Facebook. You can also join my email update group. Thank you! #primary #resources #display
Classroom labels 150 equipment tray names ready for your KS1 classroom

Classroom labels 150 equipment tray names ready for your KS1 classroom

This resource contains labels to use in different parts of your classroom. This file contains 150 labels formatted in Calibri font - just choose the words you need, print, trim and go! These labels can be used for: • Stationery items • Classroom furniture • Health and hygiene equipment • Literacy and numeracy resources • Art and craft equipment Suitable for: • Nursery and early years settings • Reception Classes • KS1 classes • Pre-school • Kindergarten Each label measures approx. 13 cm x 4 cm, depending on how they are trimmed. Available in an editable Word format or a ready-to-print PDF. Please see my other resources at Early Years and Primary Treasure Box and follow me on Facebook. Thank you!
Primary end-of-year summer term reward certificate KS1 KS2

Primary end-of-year summer term reward certificate KS1 KS2

Primary end of year summer term reward certificate KS1 KS2 These are useful end-of-year certificate templates, to give out at the end of the summer term. Children love these as part of a year group ‘graduation’ ceremony! Contains editable Word documents for each year group from Reception to Year 6. Just print a class set and add children’s names plus your signature. Suitable for: Reception Classes KS1 classes KS2 classes A4 size Available in an editable Word format. Please see my other resources at Early Years and Primary Treasure Box and follow me on Facebook. Thank you! #primary #early years #KS1 #KS2 #rewards #incentives
Primary assembly plan summer solstice

Primary assembly plan summer solstice

Primary assembly plan summer solstice Assembly plan for a primary assembly on the summer solstice. This plan is suitable for use around 21st June or midsummer night. This plan includes a description of the changing seasons, Stonehenge and how people gather there to watch the sun rise at the summer solstice. The assembly ends with a thought or reflection. Available in ready-to-print PDF. Please see my other resources at Early Years and Primary Treasure Box and follow me on Facebook. Thank you! #primary #assembly #KS1 #KS2
Teacher reward certificate incentive A4 print and sign alternative colourway

Teacher reward certificate incentive A4 print and sign alternative colourway

Teacher reward certificate incentive A4 print and sign This is a certificate that teachers can use as a behaviour and work incentive . This can be printed, signed and sent home at the end of the day. Suitable for: Reception Classes KS1 classes Pre-school Kindergarten A4 size Ready-to-print PDF This resource is available in other designs and colours in my TES shop. Please see my other resources at Early Years and Primary Treasure Box and follow me on Facebook. Thank you! #Primary #KS1 #EarlyYears #Year1 #Year2
Teacher reward certificate incentive A4 print and sign

Teacher reward certificate incentive A4 print and sign

Teacher reward certificate incentive A4 print and sign teacher reward certificate incentive A4 This is a certificate that teachers can use as a behaviour and work incentive . This can be printed, signed and sent home at the end of the day. Suitable for: Reception Classes KS1 classes Pre-school Kindergarten A4 size Ready-to-print PDF This resource is available in other designs and colours in my TES shop. Please see my other resources at Early Years and Primary Treasure Box and follow me on Facebook. Thank you!
Supply teacher reward certificate incentive A4

Supply teacher reward certificate incentive A4

Supply teacher reward certificate incentive A4 This is a certificate that supply teachers can use as a behaviour and work incentive in covered classes. This can be sent home at the end of the day. Suitable for: Reception Classes KS1 classes Pre-school Kindergarten A4 size Ready-to-print PDF This resource is available in other designs and colours in my TES shop. Please see my other resources at Early Years and Primary Treasure Box and follow me on Facebook. Thank you!
Primary assembly plan Christianity and giving

Primary assembly plan Christianity and giving

Primary assembly plan Christianity and giving Assembly plan for a primary assembly on Christianity and giving, or charity. This might also support Christian Aid Week events. This plan includes a bible story (Jesus observing a poor woman giving money in the temple, Mark 12), discussion prompts and a reference to charitable giving today. The assembly ends with a thought or prayer. Available in ready-to-print PDF. Please see my other resources at Early Years and Primary Treasure Box and follow me on Facebook. You can also join my email update group. Thank you! #Primary #Assembly #Christianity #Charity